Mrauk U

Mrauk U Overview

Mrauk U is a medieval town and archaeological site in Rakhine State, Central Myanmar. Mrauk U, which means “North Far” may seem to be a sleepy village today but not so long ago it was the capital of the Arakan empire where Portuguese, Dutch and French traders rubbed shoulders with the literati of Bengal and Mughal princes on the run. As the city grew, many pagodas and temples were built. Several of them remain, and these are the main attraction of Mrauk-U.

Get In

  • By boat from Sittwe
  • By bus

Get around

  • On foot
  • By bicycle
  • By trishaw, horse cart
  • By motortaxi

See & Do

  • Shittaung Temple
  • Kothaung Temple
  • Htukhan Thein Temple
  • Archeology Museum
  • Royal Palace
  • Chin Village
  • Wethali Village
  • Mahamuni Buddha Temple

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