Hoa Binh

Hoa Binh Overview

Hoa Binh province is known to be an origin of “Hoa Binh culture” – the cradle of Vietnamese ancient culture. Besides, tourist and humanity resources are diversified, plentiful and attractive with 184 historic sites, cultural sites and natural landscapes together with unparalleled cultures of ethnic groups like Muong, Thai, Mong, Tay and Dao, which can be found in building architectures, beliefs, customs and traditional festivals.

Get In

  • By motorbike
  • By bus from Hanoi

Get around

  • By foot, motorbike taxi or motorbike

See & Do

  • Hoa Binh Dam
  • Muong Village
  • Muong Cultural Space Museum
  • Boat Tours on Hoa Binh lake

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