Lang Son

Lang Son Overview

Lang Son is a northern province which is located on the Sino-Vietnamese border over a stretch of 253 kilometers. Lang son town is linked with Hanoi via National Highway 1A. The capital of Lang Son, 500 meters above the sea level, is situated on the left bank of the Ky Cung River. On the far side of the river is Ky Lua Market. The market is accessible by means of the Ky Cung bridge. Standing on the bridge visitors can see a high mountain peak resembling a woman with a baby in her hands. From time immemorial, the peak has been given the name of Vong Phu (Awaiting one’s husband). Dong Dang, a township on the Sino-Vietnamese border is 14 kilometers from Lang Son town. There is a special market where buffaloes and cows are on sale.

Get In

  • By bus
  • By train from Hanoi

Get around

  • By bus
  • By motorbike taxi
  • By taxi

See & Do

  • Nhi Thanh Cave
  • Tam Thanh Cave
  • Lang Son Market
  • Mau (Mother Goddess) Temple
  • Bac Son Valley
  • Dong Kinh, Ky Lua and Tam Thanh market
  • Mau Son Mountain
  • The Fortress of the Mac Dynasty

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