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Date: 14 June 2021

Location: Vietnam

Tết Đoan Ngọ is one of most important festivals in Vietnam, celebrated yearly at noon (from 11 am to 1 pm) on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month. This day is the moment that the sun is the most near the earth and often is the summer solstice.

At this time, the universe brings the greatest amount of yang or maleness in the entire year. Therefore, creatures and people must become stronger in both their health and their souls to overcome this. So, this festival is held to protect the crops and health of people with fruit feast. That’s why this festival is also locally known as “Killing Insects Fesitval”.

On this occasion, Vietnamese people often prepare a ceremonial tray to offer to their ancestors to pray for a new and prosperous crops. The offering tray includes: sticky rice wine, fruits, bánh tro (alkaline rice dumplings), bánh ú (zongzi cake), fermented glutinous rice, and sticky rice.

According to the tradition, fruits are indispensable on the ceremonial tray. Other dishes vary by regions. In Hanoi and some parts in the Northern region, the fermented black rice will be the main dish. However, alkaline rice dumplings are often used in the central region and roasted duck in the Ho Chi Minh city (Southern region).

Regarding to the legend, Tết Đoan Ngọ in Vietnam has a tradition dating back thousands of years and is a great national holiday. This is the day when Mother Âu Cơ gave birth to a hundred children, Hung King ascended the throne to establish Van Lang nation and is also the death anniversary of the Mother of Nation Âu Cơ.

In addition, some Asian countries also celebrate the Double Fifth Festival with different meanings and ways.

In China, the festival is called Duanwu Festival or Dragon Boat Festival. Three of the most widespread activities conducted during the Dragon Boat Festival are eating zongzi cake, drinking realgar wine (Xiong Huang wine), and racing dragon boats.

In South Korea and North Korea, this festival is known as Dano Festival. On Dano, women traditionally wash their hair in water boiled with an aromatic type of iris and men wear iris roots around their waist. Tteok (rice cakes) made with herbs are also eaten on this day.

In Japan, it is known as Tango no Sekku, Children’s Day or Iris Festival. Traditionally, this festival was celebrated on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month. Nowaday, it is held on May 5 of the Gregorian calendar. On this occasion, kashiwa mochi and chimaki are often eaten. In addition, some houses prepare iris bath called shobu-yu or place the iris by their house entrance or on the roof. The iris is said to ward away evil.

On the occasion of the Double Fifth Festival, Passion Asia Travel wishes you peace, harmony and good luck.